Archive for the Blog Posts Category

Forestry Strategy: a missed opportunity


The Scottish Government published a draft Forestry Strategy in September. But it’s not much of a strategy. The document sets the following vision: ‘Scotland will have more forests and woodlands, which will be sustainably managed as a much greater part of the nation’s natural capital, providing a

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Nine meals from poverty

It’s an indication of the increasingly surreal Brexit debate that laughably stupid UK government proposals for ‘no deal’ are being reported with a straight face rather than the derisory contempt they deserve.  Here’s the British Retail Consortium on food supplies last week: Stockpiling of food is not

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Take Action: Do a Kitchen Table Talk

There’s just over two weeks left to help shape the future of Scotland’s food system. As a member of the Scottish Food Coalition, Nourish has been taking part in and promoting Kitchen Table Talks. Make sure the food justice issues you care about are represented before the

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