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What kind of a meat-eater are you and how willing and able are you to swap meat out of your meals?

There is a range of reasons for reducing our meat intake that is currently making headlines in the news e.g. its contribution to climate emissions, nutritionists’ health recommendations, animal welfare activists’ concerns around our meat production methods. For sure, messaging around the need to reduce meat intake

Public Diners Heritage Project: April Update

“I was proud of the kind of people I saw going into them” Lord Llewellin, Civic Restaurants Bill Second Reading, Lords, 6th March 1947 And we are off! I’m so pleased that this project is up and running with so much interest and passion behind it. So

Soul-searching questions

The recent report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation ‘Destitution in the UK 2023’ makes for a shocking read. In the last year alone some 3.8 million people experienced destitution, of whom around a million were children. This means they were not able to afford to meet their

Nourish Scotland is reconnecting producers, growers, retailers, consumers and all who care for local, sustainable food in Scotland.

It is working to create a stronger food culture to make healthy, local, seasonal, and organic food available everywhere in Scotland.

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